


BBC:The New Gypsy Kings

2024-05-19 更新    2024-05-19 创建

导演: Liviu Tipurita

地区: 英国 / 德国 / 罗马尼亚

片长: 59分钟


豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt5790000

  2016英国电影《世界:新吉普赛之王》由Liviu Tipurita导演,影片讲述的是:
Filmmaker Liviu Tipurita takes us into the heart of the astonishing world of Romanias superrich Gypsy popstars a world of fast cars lavish houses and gangsters The Roma community is one of the most marginalised and impoverished in Europe and for years their traditional music has been their most famous export Now a new type of Gypsy sound called M...[显示全部]anele has swept across the country Manele stars can earn 20000 euros a night at opulent weddings with cash showered over them by guests Their videos can get millions of hits on YouTube But Manele is controversial some of its lyrics glorify gangsterism and some of its biggest fans are notorious underworld figures Traditional musicians like the worldfamous Taraf de Haïdouks once championed by Johnny Depp claim that Manele has put them out of business and that the new genre is destroying the Gypsy music brand This film explores an extraordinary social and cultural change through its soundtrack
