The Tale of the Three Lost Jewels

The Tale of the Three Lost Jewels


2023-12-24 更新    2023-12-24 创建

导演: Michel Khleifi

类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 战争

地区: 英国 / 比利时 / 西班牙 / Palestine

语言: 阿拉伯语

片长: Israel

上映时间: 1995

又名: Tale of The Three Jewels

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt0111354

  1995英国剧情爱情片《The Tale of the Three Lost Jewels》由Michel Khleifi导演,影片讲述的是:
One day as he is birdhunting he becomes the hero of a modernday tale Yussef falls in love with Aida a young gypsy girl To marry her he must first find the three jewels missing from a family necklace brought from South America by the girl’s grandfather
