The Boys Who Said NO!

The Boys Who Said NO!


2022-09-20 更新    2022-09-20 创建

导演: Judith Ehrlich

主演: 琼·贝兹

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

片长: 90分钟

上映时间: 2020-10-08(美国)

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt13604934

  2020美国电影《The Boys Who Said NO!》由Judith Ehrlich导演,琼·贝兹主演,影片讲述的是:
Directed by Oscarnominated filmmaker Judith Ehrlich The Boys Who Said NO tells for the first time the inspiring story and impact of the draft resistance movement As the war in Vietnam raged one of the largest and most successful youthled resistance movements in American history was growing at homeHundreds of thousands of young m...[显示全部]en opposed to an unjust war said NO to being drafted into the military risking up to five years in federal prison Their individual courage and collective nonviolent actions helped end a tragic war and the draft
