Alicia en el país de María

Alicia en el país de María


2022-07-15 更新    2022-07-15 创建

导演: Jesús Magaña Vázquez

主演: Bárbara Mori / Stephanie Sigman / Claudio Lafarga

类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 奇幻

地区: 墨西哥

语言: 西班牙语

片长: 88分钟

又名: Alice in Marialand

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt2910888

  2014墨西哥剧情爱情片《Alicia en el país de María》由Jesús Magaña Vázquez导演,Bárbara Mori主演,影片讲述的是:
Tonatiuh and Maria experience a passionate and turbulent relationship One night in the heat of an argument they suffer a automobile accident Tonatiuh is left in a coma and during his long dream he remembers his relationship with Maria He wakes up for a moment and all he can see is Alicia his nurse whom he ...[显示全部]includes in his dreams When he finally wakes up from the coma Alicia is run over A year later they meet again Tonatiuh feels like he knows her but cant pinpoint from where and Alicia doesnt recall a thing because now she has amnesia They initiate a peculiar romance but the memory of Maria comes back to haunt them This is the story of unforgettable love
