World's Biggest Great White Shark

World's Biggest Great White Shark


2022-03-24 更新    2022-03-23 创建

主演: Josh Goodman / Kimberly Jeffries / Christopher Lowe / Mark Mohler

类型: 真人秀

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

上映时间: 2019-07-21(美国)

又名: World's Biggest Great White?

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt11252634

  2019美国真人秀片《World's Biggest Great White Shark》Josh Goodman主演,影片讲述的是:
Prepare to be awed by the onceinalifetime meeting experienced by a group of divers and photographers in Hawaii who hung out near a sperm whale carcass to photograph the tiger sharks who came to feed Suddenly everything went quiet and the tiger sharks vanished A gigantic shadow appeared in the distance On the program Dr Chris...[显示全部] Lowe director of the Shark Lab at California State University at Long Beach speaks of dining etiquette among sharks which calls for smaller sharks to get out of the way when a bigger shark comes to feed Sure enough that shadow proved to be a much bigger shark and a more famous one than the Hawaiian photographers ever dreamed theyd see in person Deep Blue Whats more they would soon learn that Deep Blue may have brought her squad with her The three great whites encountered and photographed by Kimberly Jeffries Mark Mohler and Andrew Gray are there for one reason to chow down at the whale buffet They express mild curiosity toward their human fans and one of them does nibble at the boat but clearly mean them no harm
