Espérame en otro mundo

Espérame en otro mundo


2022-01-12 更新    2022-01-12 创建

导演: 朱安·帕罗布·维拉塞纳

类型: 剧情

地区: 墨西哥

语言: 西班牙语

上映时间: 2008-10-24

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt0996390

  2007墨西哥剧情片《Espérame en otro mundo》由朱安·帕罗布·维拉塞纳导演,影片讲述的是:
Marcela is a ballroom dance instructor All seems to go well in her small world One day she discovers that something strange is occurring with her parents Gloria her mother has started to become absent talks about strange happenings in her everyday home life and has mental gaps Almost at the same time Nacho her father loses his job and ...[显示全部]with this his selfesteem Now she knows that the relationship between the three was false and she wants to tell them so many things But she wont be able to at least not in a conventional way Marcela is willing to challenge the rules of life in order to regain a small portion of the happiness lost