


The Witches of Dumpling Farm

2020-10-14 更新    2020-10-14 创建

导演: Martin J Pickering

主演: Duncan Casey / Justin Marosa / Kitt Proudfoot

类型: 恐怖

地区: 英国

语言: 英语

上映时间: 2018-10-26(Freak Show Horror Film Festival)

又名: Wicked.Witches

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt8983294

  2018英国恐怖片《邪灵女巫》由Martin J Pickering导演,Duncan Casey主演,影片讲述的是:
After being thrown out of his home by his wife for being promiscuous Mark finds himself back at Dumpling Farm a place of youthful memories and parties but things arent quite right His old buddy Ian who has never left the place is possessed by a group demonic flesh eating Witches Using Ian and his farm these beautiful Witches honey t...[显示全部]rap Mark and his friends to consume their souls
