


Easy Street

2020-09-26 更新    2020-09-26 创建

导演: 查理·卓别林

主演: 查理·卓别林 / 艾德娜·珀薇安丝 / 埃里克·坎贝尔

类型: 喜剧 / 短片

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

片长: 19 分钟 / Germany

上映时间: 1917-01-22

豆瓣得分: 8.2

IMDb: tt0007880

When Charlie the Tramp wanders into a mission he is smitten by Edna and puts back the collection box which he has taken Reformed he becomes a policeman and is assigned to roughandtumble Easy Street Unable to trick or beat Eric the Tough he puts Erics head in a gas pipe and anesthetizes him A hero he now helps many poor people living on Easy Street Er...[显示全部]ic escapes jail Edna is kidnapped but Charlie recharged after sitting on a dopers needle conquers all Easy Street is transformed as is Eric
