Der Experte

Der Experte


2020-08-18 更新    2020-08-18 创建

导演: Reinhard Schwabenitzky

主演: 迪特·哈勒沃登 / Peter Fricke / Walo Lüönd

类型: 喜剧

地区: 西德

语言: 德语

片长: Germany

上映时间: 1988

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt0092884

  1988西德喜剧片《Der Experte》由Reinhard Schwabenitzky导演,迪特·哈勒沃登主演,影片讲述的是:
After car mechanic Willi Schulze and election expert Willy Schneider get a car accident they both lose their memory The police assume Schulze is the expert and rapidly he turns into the pivot in a stonehard electioncontest
