Marcus Jansen: Examine & Report

Marcus Jansen: Examine & Report


2020-08-04 更新    2020-08-04 创建

导演: John Scoular

主演: Richard Beavers / Noah Becker / Marcus Jansen / Steve Lazarides / Brooke Lynn McGowan / Deiter Rampl / Manfred Schneckenburger / Lawrence Voytek / West

类型: 纪录片

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

上映时间: 2017-08-15(美国)

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt4788910

  2017美国纪录片《Marcus Jansen: Examine & Report》由John Scoular导演,Richard Beavers主演,影片讲述的是:
Marcus Jansen Examine and Report could also be titled The Art of War as Desert Storm veteran Marcus Jansen progressed from selling his art on the corner of Prince St and Broadway in New York City to showing in museums around the globe Having served in the Gulf War Jansen has a unique perspective shaped by fir...[显示全部]st hand combat experiences that have certainly affected his Art for the positive Emmy award winning Director John Scoular delves into the politics behind Jansens work in a politically correct culture which are neither black nor white Marcus views portrayed throughout his work are a global critique of injustices in the world there is no bias in Jansens work he is an equal opportunity critic in search of the truth The film also follows his path from street artist to museums The art world itself is an elitist or high society market but it is a market nonetheless and it ebbs and flows just like any other commodity that is traded on wall street this is a high stakes business The film does not pass judgment on the industry instead it merely Examines and Reports on it Both the aficionado and novice can find something relevant in this story For someone like Jansen to break into a members only club is no small feat From the Graffiti movement to the present the story covers artists like Basquiat Banksy JR and Jansen who have changed the culture of the art world to this day Filmed in London UK New York and Miami Fl Scoular has delivered a blue collar art film about a high society industry Strong commentary from Steve Lazarides Brooke Lynn McGowan Prof Dr Manfred Schneckenburger White Hot magazine editor Noah Becker Showing exclusively on Vimeo on Demand