Momentum Shift

Momentum Shift


2020-07-31 更新    2020-07-31 创建

导演: Kristi Jacobson

类型: 纪录片 / 短片

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

片长: 27分钟

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt11130668

  2019美国纪录片短片《Momentum Shift》由Kristi Jacobson导演,影片讲述的是:
When Ellen Latham lost her dream job she thought she lost everything She was a 54yearold single mom who didnt know how she would pay the bills But she shifted her perspective dug into her strength as a fitness instructor and moved forward Ellens inhome training eventually grew into Orangetheory Fitness With nearly one million members arou...[显示全部]nd the world the company that started in a spare bedroom now has more than 1200 studios around the globe More importantly Ellens focus on what she had and not what she had lost started a ripple effect that has helped countless other people change their own lives and their bodies through fitness This documentary weaves deeply personal stories of people who have transformed their lives thanks to Ellens MOMENTUM SHIFT through one inspiring female founders origin story Coach Joe overcame a rough childhood to become a professional football player but when head injuries ended his career he struggled to rebuild his life Now hes a beloved fitness instructor Kristen had to start over as a young mom after she fled an abusive relationship Now shes showing her daughter that strength truly comes from within Together these three stories play out as a bold example of the power of believing in yourself and what can happen when individuals find their purpose and community
