Nature: Radioactive Wolves - Chernobyl's Nuclear Wilderness

Nature: Radioactive Wolves - Chernobyl's Nuclear Wilderness


2018-08-18 更新    2019-01-30 创建

地区: 美国

又名: "Nature" Radioactive Wolves

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt2054304

  2011美国电影《Nature: Radioactive Wolves - Chernobyl's Nuclear Wilderness》影片讲述的是:
The thirtieth season premiere of Nature examines the resurgence of wildlife in the region around the Chernobyl power plant the site of a 1986 Ukraine nuclear accident The disaster caused radioactive contamination of the countryside and led to the creation of a nomanszone Here scientists monitoring wildlife especiall...[显示全部]y wolves are accompanied on their studies Included the wildlife that lives in the ghost town of Pripyat which was once home to 58000 people