


Phantom Halo

2018-03-23 更新    2018-03-23 创建

导演: Antonia Bogdanovich

主演: 托马斯·布罗迪-桑斯特 / 丽贝卡·罗梅恩 / 托宾·贝尔 / 塞巴斯蒂安·罗奇 / 克莱尔·格兰特 / Luke Kleintank

类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 犯罪

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

片长: 87分钟

上映时间: 2014-10-24

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt3130734

  2014美国剧情惊悚片《幻影光环》由Antonia Bogdanovich导演,托马斯·布罗迪-桑斯特主演,影片讲述的是:
  Brothers Samuel and Beckett Emerson are barely scraping by. Their father, Warren, continues to gamble and drink away any money they bring home. With all the havoc that is constantly going on in their lives, the family members each find solace in his own way, through Shakespeare, comic books and impossible love affairs. Beckett s...[显示全部]eizes the opportunity to make some easy money by counterfeiting in hopes of repaying his father's debts. When Beckett's plan goes awry, the family must decide to change their ways or pay the ultimate price
  - Written by GNR
  A L.A. noir family crime drama, combining indie style with literary intelligence and occasionally comic desperation. Warren Emerson, once a master Shakespearean actor, is now a gambling drunk. Puck-like Samuel enchants crowds of passersby by reciting the Shakespeare monologues his father Warren all but beat into him, while his brother Beckett, a master pickpocket, makes his way through the unsuspecting crowd. When Warren gets in deep with a loan shark, his sons need to find a way to escape, and like Samuel's beloved, Phantom Halo, they must break free from the mud that traps them.
  - Written by Anonymous
  Samuel和Beckett Emerson兄弟在父亲的阴影下艰难度日。他们的父亲Warren,赌博、酗酒将兄弟俩带回家的所有钱花光。生活的困窘消磨着人的意志,每个家庭成员都以自己的方式寻找着心灵安慰,莎士比亚,连环画,以及镜花水月的爱情。Beckett希望通过伪造偿还父亲的一些欠款。但随着Beckett计划失败,为了生活,这个家必须做些改变……
